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About Me

I’m Sophie a Law of Attraction and Manifestation coach. I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction back in 2007 after a spontaneous clairvoyant evening at a local pub. During the evening, the clairvoyant recommended that I read the book: The Secret. This was my first hearing of The Law of Attraction, and after reading the book from cover to cover, I initially struggled to apply the concepts and see results. I have since read a library full of books and resources as well as undertaking training and courses for the past 13+ years. I have gone from being alone, in debt and working a dead-end job to living a life beyond my wildest imagination. My bedroom now is bigger than the bedsit I used to rent!​ But this isn’t about bragging I’m here to tell you that manifestation for me was initially rocky and it took me a while to master things! So, if you are finding it a bumpy road – don’t panic, it’s nothing that we can’t fix!

My manifestation journey has brought me many amazing things in my life from my soulmate, two gorgeous kids and Frenchie. I manifested the house we live in today, which was possible because I manifested selling our old house in the first week to the first person that viewed it! I can now recognise when I’m in or out of alignment, and I want to share this knowledge with you too!​

I’ve studied in depth the work of Marrianne Williams, Esther & Jerry Hicks, Dr Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and I am a student of A Course in Miracles and Gabrielle Bernstein – most recently becoming A Spirit Junkie Alumni. Throughout 2020 when life really became tough, I leant into the Law of Attraction and began sharing my knowledge with those around me. When I tell you that learning and mastering this changed my life, I genuinely mean it and it can change yours too. ​

I love the Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Mindset and Spirituality, and I genuinely love sharing my knowledge and helping other people achieve the life they truly desire too. I call this “Levelling Up Your Life”, and there is nothing that fills me with more excitement than working with a client one on one and seeing everything click into place – that’s where the magic really happens.

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