How To Live Your Best Life Right Now

Living your best life isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept as much as we would like it to be. It’s about embracing your personal journey towards a…

The Power of Positive Affirmations: How to Manifest Your Dreams

Do you find yourself wondering how to manifest your dreams? I imagine you do; otherwise, it would be weird that you stumbled upon this website…

What Are Boundaries & Why Should I SEt Them?

Honestly, it’s only really been the last year or two where I have adequately implemented boundaries in my life. Before this, I can be open…

Are You Choosing Happiness Today?

Have you chosen happiness or misery today? I’m sure your response would be something along the lines of; “Why would I ever chose misery over…

5 Crystals For Manifesting

I love crystals, and I think they are a great tool to use when manifesting but with so many to choose from it can be…