10 Inspirational Quotes Worth Living Life By

Greetings, wonderful readers! In a world bustling with activity and demands, it’s crucial to discover those pockets of inspiration that keep our spirits soaring. Whether…

The Power of Positive Affirmations: How to Manifest Your Dreams

Do you find yourself wondering how to manifest your dreams? I imagine you do; otherwise, it would be weird that you stumbled upon this website…

Using Meditation As A Form OF Connection

I was never interested in meditation. It didn’t sound much like ‘my thing’ at all. Closing your eyes and sitting still sounded boring at best.…

Why You Should Invest In Yourself

I know many of you are here wanting to level up in life and boost your reality in some way. Whether you are entirely new…

Are You Living In The Present?

Are you living in the present? You may think that is a ridiculous question but ask yourself honestly – are you truly present?  Am I…

The Language We Use Is Important

When it comes to The Law of Attraction and Manifesting, the language we use is critical. Using language with a negative connotation can have severe…

I’m A Fraudulent Coach – Confessing The Truth

My clients often tell me they suffer from ‘Imposter Syndrome’ or feeling almost fraudulent in their day to day lives. I’m here to reassure you…